Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Muir Woods

Kara, my best friend from high school in Cairo, came to visit and met Andrew and Ryker for the first time. We did LOTS of fun things: Golden Gate Park, Napa, North Beach, Chinatown, etc. Her favorite (and one of ours) was Muir Woods.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


We discovered a real treasure over in Oakland. Fairyland is a pint-size amusement park and features Mother Goose nursery rhymes.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Last year, Ryker was baptized at Easter. It was so overwhelming that I'm not sure he ever focused on the Easter bunny, etc. This year he got an Easter basket, found hidden eggs and discovered "Marshmallow!" Fortunately, he also loves his new toothbrush that plays "Here comes Peter Cottontail hopping down the bunny trail..."
At Mass on Sunday, I was carrying Ryker and the lay minister gave me the wafer. I tried to just get a blessing (since I can't take Communion), but she didn't understand and the line was too long. On the way back to the pew, Ryker was hungry and wanted my cracker, so I gave it to him. "Mmmm. Yummy! Want more!" I told him it was the body of Christ - "Mmm, want more body, yummy!" I nearly died of (surpressed) laughter. Andrew was horrified.