Saturday, August 22, 2009

Arriving in SF

We arrived on August 15th. The movers showed up 2 days later with my stuff. Keelin and Andrew arrived later the same day. It was a mad dash to get everything positioned to show the house. The garden needed to be totally redone. It was so hot that the kids played in the new sprinkler system once we finished. We also managed to take Keelin and Ryker to the park, zoo, Mitchell's ice cream, aquarium, boat tour, making lemonade with lemons from the yard, making pizza, painting pottery, and mani/pedi for Keelin & Sarah. AVO sent Keelin the blue sequined shoes. She loved them!!! We all had a great time!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Third Beach

My favorite beach in Newport is Third Beach in Middleton - much less red tide! We went in AVO's Mustang 5.0. Ryker loved having the top down. Vroom! Vroom! He could see much better. He played in the water, collected rocks to throw in and finally curled up on the blanket wrapped in a towel saying "night night." He was cold and tired. Once we got back and showered, he hung out with "Ta-lah" (Tara) and watched tv for a bit before bed. He says he's "Happy!"

Thursday, August 6, 2009

More Newport

Ryker could throw rocks into the water for hours - if I let him. He even carried a big one from AVO's driveway all the way to the water (6 blocks or so) so that he could throw it. We took the ferry to Jamestown and back today, stopping for frozen yoghurt along the way. He loved being on the water "agua! boats! agua! boats!"

Newport, RI

Ryker and I came to visit my mom and sister in Newport while our stuff is being driven cross country. Ryker gets to play in the backyard (we set up a little pool for him), go to the park and watch the Newport Gulls, the beach, throw rocks in the water. Meanwhile, I'm eating lobster rolls, struggling to concentrate and get work done, and wishing Ryker would sleep past 6 am!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Big Move

Andrew packed up Dublin and then came to DC to help me pack. We will have a LOT of stuff to unpack in San Francisco. I see a big yard sale in our future...

The Big Move

Andrew packed up Dublin and then came to DC to help me pack. We will have a LOT of stuff to unpack in San Francisco. I see a big yard sale in our future...


Ryker loves to run and often trips in the process. His knees are permanently scraped. He did manage to fall and scrape his face tiwce in one week. Boy did the mother's at the park give me "the look."

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Big Move!

The house in Dublin is packed, moved and rented. The movers arrived in DC last week. We are officially "in transit" to SF. Finally we'll live together as a family - only Keelin will be missing. She'll come to visit us.