Sunday, May 3, 2009

Udvar-Hazy Center at the Air & Space Museum

Ugh. Rainy Sunday. Exhausted and not motivated to do anything. Keith calls: Udvar-Hazy? Sure! I've been meaning to take Ryker but it is all the way out at Dulles. I spend enough time around airports. It's a pretty cool place: a large airplane hanger and attached buildings. There is a space shuttle, the Enola Gay, Wright Brothers, Concorde, Stealth Fighter and SO many others. It's a great place because kids can run around and be noisy. Ryker loved it!
We went to the Observation Deck and watched planes land. He kept pointing to them and saying "KeeKee! DaDa!" He really misses them and was hoping they were coming on one of those planes. It made me sad. Every day he wants to talk to them and brings me the phone or goes to the computer (Skype) asking for them.

At the end, I took him to the McDonald's cafe for french fries: "mas pappas!"

1 comment:

klgone said...

Hey ... you were holding out on a cool photo of me. ;-)

Did you get the link to my photos on Google? There is a great photo of you and Ryker. With you taking a photo of Ryker, as he stares out the observation deck.