Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Inauguration

In front of the Lincoln Memorial.

The Reflecting Pool, National Monument and US Capitol are behind us.

The masses leaving the Mall.
Street performer as the Statue of Liberty.

President Obama's parade viewing station (from behind).

McPherson Square blocked off.

Ryker watching Barack Hussein Obama being sworn in as the 44th President.

Chiara, Ryker and Isabel watching the Inauguration.

We went to Chiara's home to watch the inauguration on TV. It was too cold to take the kids out for the whole day and no strollers were allowed on the Mall. I baked a cake for us to enjoy. I don't know if the kids will remember this. Perhaps they will remember Chiara and I hugging and crying and laughing. My first memory is watching the landing on the moon on TV when I was 11 months old. Immediately after the swearing, we took the kids down to the Mall to see the crowds and be a part of history. There were swarms of people. Most streets were closed to cars, but it all seemed to move in a very orderly fashion. I think DC did a great job.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Wow, you actually remember the moon landing? I remember Watergate, but it's not my first memory. Great pics. I had wanted to go down to the inauguration, but found that it just wasn't practical. Too darn cold, anyway. :-)