After we returned Keelin to Omagh, we went to McNean's in Blacklion for dinner. Andrew and I ate while Ryker slept soundly upstairs. It was a delicious meal that focused on Irish products. This proves false the rumor that the food in Ireland is bad.
The next morning we went for a hike Cavan Burren. It was a beautiful spring day and there was no one else out there. We saw ancient Irish structures, most likely built during the ice age. In fact, we named one Ryker's Rock. Daddy carried him most of the way. At the end he fell asleep in my arms.
As we drove through one of the small towns near Cavan (named Virginia!) we saw the St. Patrick's Day parade. Well, it was a truck with some people in the back of it. One guy had his bicycle on a pedestal and peddled along. Then there were a few Massey Ferguson tractors following behind. There must have been more that was all we saw.